The email address that you signed up with is what we use to identify and find your account in our system, without it, it’s very difficult to find your Screen Time account and reset your password. If you can’t remember it then there are a few things that you can try that might help jog your memory:
- What are your Facebook and Gmail email accounts? You might have signed up with either of these options without noticing as the sign in process can be pretty quick!
- Search your email accounts for emails from Screen Time Labs, if you have an email from us then there’s probably a Screen Time account associated with that email.
- Think of all of the email addresses that you might have used to sign up with, and send them all through to our support team and we’ll search for each one.
- If there is a common email address that you use then tell us what it is and we’ll try searching for that with common suffixes like .com, .net, etc.
- Do you have a work , sporting club or community email address? Could it be that one that you signed up with?
- Do you have an email address that was provided by your internet provider? E.g Comcast?
- If you’re using Gmail, open the Settings >> Accounts and see if there are any alias email addresses or POP3 accounts attached to the address you’re using.
We hope those help, if they do and you remember the email address or think of one it could be then contact our support team on [email protected] and let us know so we can confirm for you.